السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللّٰهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ


Istilah hukuman bagi santri yang melanggar peraturan kedisiplinan di Pesantren. Jenis Takzir-Nya pun berbeda-beda sesuai kebijakan pengurus pondok.

Sholawat Kok di Jogetin!!!

Imam Al-Ghozali memperbolehkan "bergoyang(Berjoget)" dengan dasar hadits yang menerangkan gerakan/tarian orang Habasyah di Masjid Nabawi dan Nabi Muhammad memperbolehkan istrinya Aisyah melihatnya. Tidak ada gerakan yang menimbulkan syahwat dan menimbulkan gairah. (Al-Fiqh 'ala Madzahib Al-Arba'ah 2/42)

Islam Is Peace

Islam adalah Agama penuh perdamaian bukan secara PAKSAAN dan kekerasan, yang malah akan memecah belah sesama umat beragama

Ingatlah Tujuan Kita Hanyalah Satu

Tujuan kita hidup di Dunia adalah beribadah agar bisa bertemu dengan Rabbul 'Alamin Allah S.W.T. di surga nanti

Marilah Kita Tingkatkan Ibadah Kita!!!

Marilah kita sama - sama meningkatkan Ibadah Kita kepada Allah S.W.T. agar kita dapat berjumpa dengan beliau. Terus Belajar, Berjuang, dan Bertaqwa


Selasa, 21 April 2020

My Curriculum Vitae

  Biodata Diri


Bahaudin Ahmad

Tempat, Tanggal Lahir

Mojokerto, 11 Desember 2002



Alamat Rumah

Jln. Zaenal Rt. 04/Rw. 02, Dsn. Gembongan Kulon,
Gembongan, Kec. Gedeg, Kab. Mojokerto

Alamat Kost

Jln. Danau Ranau G7/B7, Kel. Sawojajar,
Kec. Kedung Kandang, Malang

Nama Ayah


Nama Ibu






  Riwayat Pendidikan

Sekolah Dasar

MI Al-Karamah

Sekolah Menengah Pertama

SMP Negeri 1 Gedeg

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

SMK Telkom Malang


Mengikuti Lomba

Fesnida (Festival Seni dan Dakwah)

Bidang Al Banjari (2019)
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Kota Malang

GBQ V (Gebyar Brawijaya Qurani)

Festival Al Banjari (2018)
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang

BIONIX (Business and Information Technology Olympiad on Information Systems Expo)

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya (2018)

Schematics NPC
(National Programming Contest)

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya (2019)

Schematics NLC
(National Logic Competition)

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya (2019)

Mengikuti Seminar

Workshop Web Hacking & Secure Coding
Univeritas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

IG Workshop "My Feed My Identity"
Aula SMK Telkom Malang

Mengikuti Organisasi

Mujahidul Layal

BDI (Badan Dakwah Islam) SMK Telkom Malang

GP(Gerakan Pemuda) Ansor

IPNU (Ikatan Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama')

CBP (Corp Barisan Pelajar)

IPSNU (Ikatan Pencak Silat Nahdlatul Ulama') Pagar Nusa

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Terima kasih....

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Kamis, 09 April 2020

Biography of Sunan Kalijaga

Sunan Kalijaga

Did you know that Sunan Kalijaga was one of the figures of Walisongo who was very influential in the spread of Islam in Java. Sunan Kalijaga is arguably quite high, so he can spread Islam on Java. This made the tomb of Sunan Kalijaga in Demak still crowded with pilgrims.
Sunan Kalijaga's first name is Raden Said and is estimated to be born in 1450. He is the son of the Duke of Tuban, Tumenggung Wilatikta or better known as Raden Sahur. Sunan Kalijaga has several other names namely Lokajaya, Shaykh Malaya, Pangeran Tuban and Raden Abdurrahman.
The origin of the name Kalijaga according to the people of Cirebon comes from Kalijaga Village in Cirebon. When he lived there, he often stayed in the river, or in Javanese language it was Jogo Kali. For more details, here is an explanation of the history of Sunan Kalijaga.

History of Sunan Kalijaga Before Becoming Walisongo

Before becoming Walisongo, Raden Said was a product robber. He robbed the rich and stole in the storage of agricultural produce. Then the robbery and the stolen goods are distributed to poor people. One day, when Raden Said was in the forest, he met an old grandfather who was carrying a stick. The old grandfather is Sunan Bonang.
Because the grandfather's cane looks like gold, then Raden Said seized the stick. Then Raden Said said that the robbery would be given to the poor. But Sunan Bonang did not confirm this and said to Raden Said that Allah did not accept bad deeds. Then Sunan Bonang advised Raden Said, and at that time Raden Said wanted to be a student of Sunan Bonang.
Sunan Bonang then told Raden Said to meditate while guarding a stick that was planted on the river bank. Raden Said could not leave before Sunan Bonang arrived. Three years later, Sunan Bonang came and Raden Said was still guarding the stick. That was when Sunan Bonang gave the name Raden Said by the name Kalijaga.
Raden Said was given a lesson about Islam by Sunan Bonang. Then Raden Said began to preach and spread Islam. He chose arts and culture such as wayang kulit, gamelan, carving and suluk sound art as a means of da'wah. In addition to the effective method of spreading Islam, he also has high knowledge. That made most of the Duke of Java embraced Islam, such as Duke of Pandanaran, Duke of Kartasura, Duke of Kebumen, Duke of Banyumas and Duke of Pajang.

Sunan Kalijaga Science

He has a lot of knowledge inherited from Sunan Bonang. This knowledge is very useful until now, such as to bring fortune, for authority and for protection. Many people who want to master the knowledge of Sunan Kalijaga. Maybe you don't know the knowledge he has. Here are some knowledge from Sunan Kalijaga
1.      Asmak Kidung Science
This knowledge is useful to ward off magical attacks such as witchcraft, witchcraft, pellets and teluh. In addition to warding off, this knowledge can be a barrier to magical attacks. Sunan Kalijaga created a song called Kidung Rumekso Ing Wengi. This song contains the prayer of salvation, able to resist the evil forces of Satan.

2.      Asmak Sunge Rajeh Science
This high-level Sunan Kalijaga Science can be said to be the king of high-level wisdom. It is said that the story of the past, the Science of Asmak Sunge Rajeh is a knowledge that comes from the Prophet Khidir as Someone who is able to master this knowledge, then that person will feel extraordinary blessing.

3.      Wind Sweeping Science
The purpose of this knowledge is to transfer energy for all purposes. This wind broom science is suitable to be practiced to avoid danger. A person who can master this knowledge will be able to accelerate and accelerate bodily movements when exposed to danger.

4.      Singkir Sengkolo Science
This high level of science is the science that can get rid of bad luck in life. Someone who can master this knowledge surely his life will get good luck and always blessed by Allah SWT. Bad luck and bad life will be removed by Allah SWT.
Sengkala or bad luck in life consists of 6 types, namely Rerewo Bodes Sengkala, Caluring Sengkala, Lawean Sengkala, Cangkring Sengkala, Kebo Cemani Sengkala, Patek Anchor Sengkala.
If there is someone who can master the science of Singkir Sengkolo, then his life will be spared from six types of bad luck. But only a few people can master this knowledge because the process is so difficult and long. In addition, there is also no reliable teacher who can train or teach this knowledge.

5.      Aji Tapa Pendem
This high level of science is a science that is efficacious for salvation and contains high supernatural power. To get this knowledge there are two ways. The first way is to bury the body limited to the neck in the ground for a long time. Then the second way is to bury the whole body in the ground.
For the second way this can only be done by people who have really high knowledge. In addition, it must also be accompanied by a spiritual teacher who has already mastered the science of this penance. If not accompanied by a teacher, it will endanger yourself.

6.      Science Aji Kungkum
This knowledge from Sunan Kalijaga is useful knowledge as a supernatural silat lesson for personal protection and safety. The word kungkum is taken from Javanese, which means to soak. To get this knowledge one must soak in the river for a long time.

7.      Sapu Jagad Science
This knowledge is believed by many people as a means of prayer to bring about all the interests in the world such as wealth and prosperity of life. Therefore many people who want to have this knowledge for a better life. But in mastering this knowledge must do some practice and hard work.

Those were the seven higher sciences owned by Sunan Kalijaga. Knowledge that is very useful to make many people who want to master it. The sciences were passed on by Sunan Kalijaga to his descendants, so that his descendants also became Walisongo figures.

Descendants of Sunan Kalijaga

Sunan Kalijaga married a woman named Dewi Saroh Binti Maulana Ishak. From this marriage he had 3 children namely Raden Umar Said, Dewi Rakayuh and Dewi Sofiah. Some of Sunan Kalijaga's descendants are Walisongo figures, Raden Umar Said or better known as Sunan Muria.
Maulana Ishak or the father of Sunan Kalijaga's wife also has a child who is a Walisongo figure, Sunan Giri. Dewi Saroh and Sunan Giri are brothers. So they are very influential families in the spread of Islam in Java.
Until now the tomb of Sunan Kalijaga in Demak is still very crowded with pilgrims. That was caused by his services in spreading Islam in Java. They came to his grave and some wanted to get a clue about Sunan Kalijaga's high level of knowledge.
For those of you who want to have knowledge from Sunan Kalijaga, you must be prepared physically and mentally. In addition you also have to have a strong determination, because to get the knowledge must be with a hard effort. Remember, that knowledge must be used for positive things.

Sumber : https://www.romadecade.org/sunan-kalijaga/#!

My Curriculum Vitae

  Biodata Diri Nama Bahaudin Ahmad ...